Payment Policy

Welcome to! To ensure a seamless and secure shopping experience for both buyers and sellers, we have established the following payment policy. By using our platform, you agree to adhere to these guidelines.

1. Accepted Payment Methods

• Credit/Debit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.

• Digital Wallets: PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay.

• Bank Transfers: Available for select high-value transactions.

• Jupicart Gift Cards: Can be redeemed and used for purchases on the platform.

2. Payment Processing

• Payments are processed at the time of purchase.

• Transactions are securely handled through our third-party payment processors.

• All payment information is encrypted and handled with the highest level of security.

3. Currency

• Transactions on are conducted in INR.

• Currency conversion fees may apply if you are purchasing from a different currency.

4. Payment Disputes

• In case of a dispute, buyers must contact support within 7 days of the transaction date.

• Disputes will be reviewed and resolved in accordance with our dispute resolution policy.

• Refunds, if applicable, will be processed back to the original payment method.

5. Seller Payouts

• Sellers will receive payouts bi-weekly.

• Payouts are processed via direct bank transfer or PayPal.

• A small transaction fee will be deducted from each payout as per our fee schedule.

6. Fees and Charges

• A transaction fee of 15% will be applied to each sale.

• Additional fees may apply for currency conversion or international transactions.

7. Refunds and Cancellations

• Buyers can request a refund within 7 days of receiving the product.

• Refunds are subject to approval and must meet the criteria outlined in our return policy.

• Cancellations are only allowed before the order is shipped.

8. Security and Fraud Prevention

• employs advanced fraud detection mechanisms.

• Transactions may be subject to verification and additional information may be requested.

• Accounts flagged for fraudulent activity may be suspended or terminated.

9. Changes to the Payment Policy

• reserves the right to modify this payment policy at any time.

• Users will be notified of significant changes via email or platform notifications.

10. Contact Information

• For any payment-related inquiries, please contact our support team at or call 9718 1414 13.

By continuing to use, you agree to comply with this payment policy. Thank you for choosing for your online shopping needs!